Use the field on the Port Settings tab of the Setup Utility dialog box, to configure the serial port characteristics:
Source ID |
Enter the station number of the DF-1 device. |
Port Number |
Select the COM port attached to the device. |
Baud rate |
Enter the baud rate for communications from the drop-down list. |
Enable Parity Checking |
Check to enable parity checking and activate Parity fields below. |
Parity |
Select the parity to be used for communications. |
Data Bits |
Select the number of data bits in the data from the list. |
Stop Bits |
Number of stop bits. |
Enable CTS flow control |
Check to enable Clear to Send flow control and activate the RTS/CTS Delay field below. |
RTS/CTS Delay (ms) |
Enter the delay desired between RTS and CTS. |
Static error test. Can be a Block Check character (BCC) type or Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) type. |
RTS Control |
Request to Send flow control. Default is Toggle. |
DTR Control |
Data Terminal Ready signal. Default is Enable. |
Step 1. Run the DF-1 Setup Utility. |