Step 2.2.2. Set Default Device Properties

Use the Default tab of the Device dialog box to enter information about DF-1 communications for the device.


Enter the node ID for the device.

For PLC 2 or PLC 3 this is an optional Station Number Address used only when writing to a PLC 2 via a KA or KG module. If this field is not used, it should be set to zero.

For PLC 5 this is an address consisting of two fields as follows:

<Octal digit station address>/< Octal digit station address of the KF2 Module>

For SLC this is an address consisting of one field as follow:

<Source ID(00-31)>

Note: The Source ID is also knows as the PLC Node address. For special network configurations a KF3 Node address can be used.


Not used.


Select Yes to enable the device when the project starts. Select No to disable the device. If you select No, the device will not be enabled at startup and points associated with the device will not be available.

More information

Step 2.2. Configure Allen-Bradley DF-1 devices.