Action Calendar is a feature added to CIMPLICITY, which allows you to dynamically create, maintain, and execute a calendar schedule of manufacturing events and associated actions. Turn on lights, heat, and equipment based on a schedule, which you configure and maintain through simple point and click actions.
This Application Module is fully integrated with CIMPLICITY software's Base System functionality to enhance its already powerful monitoring capability in a full range of computer integrated manufacturing environments. Designed from the ground up as a true client / server architecture, CIMPLICITY has always provided more than simple monitoring and control. CIMPLICITY software's flexible system architecture and modular design also allows for easy add-on of functionality. When you take on the challenge of an enterprise wide system, you face challenges which simple MMI systems just cannot handle. With the CIMPLICITY Action Calendar you can coordinate plant operations on a timed basis.
The Action Calendar Application Module, which interfaces with the Base System Point Management facility and User Interface, allows you to easily schedule the execution events in your system through a simple calendar based user interface. Configured events can drive real world I/O through CIMPLICITY and turn equipment/utilities on and off based on production schedules. In addition internal events can be activated to trigger:
Data collection
Data logging
Report generation
Execution of scripts or
Managing events and activities associated with your production schedule are made easy with the CIMPLICITY Action Calendar.
What the Action Calendar does |