Create New Events

You can create a new event:

Before you begin scheduling, when the Schedule Type is in Day Type mode.

While you are entering schedules and the Schedule Type is in Calendar mode.

  1. Do one of the following.

Method 1: In Day Type Mode or Calendar Mode

  1. Select File from the Action Calendar's menu bar.

  2. Select New.

  3. Select Event.

Method 2: In Day Type or Calendar Mode

  1. Select Edit from the Action Calendar's menu bar.

  2. Select Events.

An Events dialog box displays. .

  1. Right click on any event in the Event dialog box tree.

  2. Select New.

Method 3: In Calendar Mode

  1. Select the day type for which you are creating a schedule.

  2. Select the time that the event will occur.

  3. Click the right mouse button.

  4. Select New from the popup menu.

  5. Click the Popup Menu button to the right of the Event dialog box.

  6. Select New.

When you complete any method, the General tab of the New Event Properties dialog box displays.

  1. Use the side buttons on the General tab of the New Events Properties dialog box as follows:


Add new actions.


Delete an existing action.

Move Up / Move Down

Position an Action item in the desired order of execution.

The fields you fill in on the bottom of the General tab of the New Events Properties dialog box depend on what action you select in the Action type field.

Action type

The default action is Setpoint(,). This action appears in the Actions box the first time you click New. You can configure that action or select another from the Action type. menu field. If you select another action the fields will change to reflect your choice.