About Alarm Strings

You use Alarm Strings to name alarm states. An alarm displays the string for its alarm state when %State is included in the alarm message.

Alarm messages are configured in the Point Properties and Alarm Definition dialog boxes.

Analog point alarm strings.

Digital point alarm strings.

Alarm string sets.

Analog point alarm strings

For analog points, you can define up to four alarm values for a point. Each value corresponds to an alarm state; each state has a corresponding alarm string:

Point Value

Alarm State

%State field Display

Greater than or equal to Alarm High.

Alarm High

Alarm High Msg

Greater than or equal to Warning High


Less than Alarm High.

Warning High

Warning High Msg

Less than or equal to Warning Low


Greater than Alarm Low.

Warning Low

Warning Low Msg

Less than or equal to Alarm Low.

Alarm Low

Alarm Low Msg

Less than Warning High


Greater than Warning Low.


Normal Msg

Digital point alarm strings

For digital points, only one alarm state can be defined. That is, a digital point is in alarm state when it is either 1 or 0. Otherwise, the point's value is in the Normal state. Also, note the following:

Point Value

Alarm State

%State field Display


Alarm state

Alarm High Msg


Alarm state

Warning High Msg

Alarm string sets

An index number, which is specified when a set is defined, identifies each set of alarm strings. You can configure up to 99 alarm string sets, numbered 1 through 99. When you configure a point you can select the set that applies to the point for inclusion in the point's alarm message.

The CIMPLICITY default configuration includes a set of alarm strings for Index number 1. The Index number 1 alarm string is the default when you add a device point. This string may be modified but should never be deleted.

More information

Alarm string configuration.