Example: External Alarm Timestamps

By default, newly generated CIMPLICITY alarms are assigned a timestamp indicating the alarm generation time and duration. The Alarm Management API lets you provide your own timestamp, so that external alarms can be synchronized to a more accurate clock. The following example shows how to generate an alarm with an external timestamp:

COR_STAMP stamp;

int yyyy, mm, dd, hh, min, sec, tt;


   get parameters     (load msg_fields)

/* Setup time for the alarm */

yyyy = 1995;

mm = 01;     /* month = January */

dd = 10;     /* day of the month */

hh = 13;     /* hours - 24 hour clock */

min = 30;    /* minutes after 1pm */

sec = 12;    /* seconds after 1:30 */

tt = 50;     /* ticks - 100 per second */

int ret;     /* return code */

/* Convert time into a CIMPLICITY timestamp */

cor_stamp_calc( &stamp, yyyy, mm, dd, yy, min,sec, tt);

/* set up to generate the alarm */

/* the alarm is fixed as shown */


                   alarm_write_body,               /* data pointer of write buffer */

                   alarm_write_len - IPC_HEAD_LEN, /* data length avail */

                   TRUE,                           /* TRUE if first message in buffer */

                                                   /* FALSE if not first message */

                   "$RTR_LINK_DOWN",               /* ID of alarm */

                   "$SYSTEM",                       /* ID of resource */

                   object_name,                    /* identifier of who sent the alarm */

                   NULL,                           /* reference ID or NULL goes here */

                   AM_CAPTURED_RESP,               /* AMRP sends response immediately */

                   0,                               /* key */

                   msg_field,                      /* the message struct array */

                   i,                               /* the number of fields in message */

                   FALSE,                           /* no reset follows */


   &ret_stat );

if (ret_stat.status != COR_SUCCESS)



   goto end_of_program_am;


/*    send message to AMRP as before    */

There is also a corresponding function amaru_add_update_stamp() in the API which can be used to specify an external reset time for an outstanding alarm.

More information

Alarm Management API getting started.