Note: Fields segs_to_proc through process_jrnl_prio define tuning
parameters used to control AMRP processing. These parameters are
reserved for GE Fanuc use. If you feel that they need adjusting on
your system, please call CIMPLICITY Technical Support before making
any changes.
Fields dg_input_prio through process_jrnl_prio define how AMRP activities are scheduled. Each type of activity is assigned an initial effective priority. Each time an item is not processed, its priority is increased by one. The priority range is from 1 to 20.
Records in this file contain the following fields:
alarm_mgr_id |
alloc_segs_to_proc |
auto_pnum |
autoupd_tout |
count_ |
count_type |
date_mask |
dg_input_prio |
dyn_am_cont_mask |
dyn_am_video_mask |
gen_auto_prio |
jrnl_max |
jrnl_max_act_limit |
jrnl_min |
jrnl_status |
jrnl_timer_period |
master_input_prio |
process_allocq_prio |
process_auto_prio |
process_jrnl_prio |
process_updq_ |
segs_to_proc |
service_id |
upd_terms_prio |
ur_input_prio |
Alarm Manager file (alarm_mgr). |