Step 6.2. Specify the Placement of an Alarm Viewer Window

There may be more than one window open on the viewer or PC that displays the Alarm Viewer window. In order to insure that a user see the alarms when they appear, you can specify that the Alarm Viewer file is always on top or pops to the top when a new alarm is generated.

If you do not select a placement, the stand-alone AMV may be hidden behind other open windows, even when new alarms are generated.

  1. Click Configure on the stand-alone AMV menu bar.

  2. Select List Layout…

The Alarm List Configuration window opens.

  1. Select the General tab.

The General tab displays the current selection.

  1. Check either:

Check Box

The stand-alone AMV will:

Always on Top

Always be on top, no matter what other windows are open.

Pop to Top on new Alarms

Pop to the top when new alarms are received.

  1. Click OK.

Result: The stand-alone AMV will be positioned according to your specifications.

More information

Step 6. Specify how a stand-alone AMV file will connect to a project.