
This sample program demonstrates the features of the Alarm Viewer API:

#include "amvtest.h"

#include <conio.h>

#include <inc_path\am_defs.h>

BOOL CAmvTest::m_bConnected=FALSE;

// Construct the CAmvTest object.

// Allocate and initialize a connection to AMRP.




//EXAMPLE : CAmvConn::CAmvConn()

   m_pAmvConn=new CAmvConn(this,













// Release the connection to AMRP



   //EXAMPLE : CAmvConn::~CAmvConn()

   delete m_pAmvConn;


// The next set of methods are static methods used as callback

// functions when initializing the AMRP connection.

// Note that as static methods, there is no this pointer so we

// must get the pointer to the CAmvTest from the context.

// Save each new alarm in the alarm list for the CAmvTest object.

Void CAmvTest::DispFunc(struct testContext *pContext, AlarmInfo *pBuf)


   _tprintf("\nDispFunc called\n");

   struct AlarmInfo *pAlarmInfo = new struct AlarmInfo;

   //memcpy(pAlarmInfo,pBuf, sizeof(struct AlarmInfo));

   *pAlarmInfo = *pBuf ;

   CAmvTest* pAmvTest = (CAmvTest*)pContext->who;



// Remove all the alarms in the list.

Void CAmvTest::ClearDisp(struct testContext *pContext)


   _tprintf("\nClearDisp called\n");

   // Clear the list

   CAmvTest* pAmvTest = (CAmvTest*)pContext->who;



// Called when the connection to the AMRP is lost

void CAmvTest::LostAM(struct testContext *pContext)


   _tprintf("\nLostAM called\n");


// Indicate the maximum number of alarms that can be handled

// Typically, this is the number that will fit in a window or control

int CAmvTest::MaxAlarms(struct testContext *pContext)


   _tprintf("\nMaxAlarms called\n");

   return 3; // 3 alarms per screen for console


// Turn display redraw on or off

void CAmvTest::SetDisplayRedraw(struct testContext *pContext,int nVal)


   _tprintf("\nSetDisplayRedraw called with nVal=%d\n",nVal);

   CAmvTest* pAmvTest = (CAmvTest*)pContext->who;

   if (!nVal)


      // disable list draw





      // Enable list draw





// Called when alarm count or status changes

void CAmvTest::UpdateCount(struct testContext *pContext,

                             RCM_ALARM_DATA* pAlarmData)


   _tprintf("\nUpdateCount called\n");

   _tprintf("\n%d alarms current at %s\n",




// Called when RCM connection fails

void CAmvTest::DoRCMError(struct testContext *pContext,int nState)


   _tprintf("\nDoRCMError called\n");


// Called when connection is formed.

// Set flag to record connection active.

Void CAmvTest::DoConnectionFormed(struct testContext *pContext)


   _tprintf("\nDoConnectionFormed called\n");

   m_bConnected = TRUE;


// Called in dynamic mode when an alarm is generated

void CAmvTest::NotifyAlmGen(struct testContext *pContext,

                              AlarmInfo *pAlarmInfo)


   _tprintf("\nNotifyAlmGen called\n");


// Called in dynamic mode when an alarm is modified

void CAmvTest::NotifyAlmMod(struct testContext *pContext,

                              AlarmInfo *pAlarmInfo,

                              int nAlmModeAction)


   _tprintf("\nNotifyAlmMod called\n");


// Called in dynamic mode when an alarm is deleted

void CAmvTest::NotifyAlmDel(struct testContext *pContext,

                              AlarmInfo *pAlarmInfo)


   _tprintf("\nNotifyAlmDel called\n");


// Variables used to test for user exiting program

static TCHAR szEXIT[] = _T("EXIT");

static int index = 0;

// Ready to exit when 4 characters of "EXIT" string have been matched

BOOL CAmvTest::ShallExit()


   return (index == 4);


// Watch for user request to exit (by typing "EXIT")

BOOL CAmvTest::Exit(BOOL NoWait=FALSE)


   TCHAR szTemp[2];

   szTemp[1] = _T('\0');

   // If no keyboard input waiting, return

   if (NoWait && !_kbhit())

      return FALSE;

   // Get first key from input buffer

   szTemp[0] = _getch();

   // If it matches next key in test string, increment index

   if (_tcsnicmp(szTemp, szEXIT+index, 1) == 0)



      if (index == 4)

          return TRUE;


          return FALSE;


   // If key does not match, restart search



      index = 0;

      return FALSE;



//  "Main" program for test class

void CAmvTest::RunTest()


   TCHAR szProject[80];

   TCHAR szTemp[80];

   COR_STATUS status;

   // Get project name from the user

   _tprintf("Enter project name : ");


   //Dynamic Mode ?

   m_bDynamic = FALSE;

   _tprintf("Set Dynamic Mode ?(y/n) : ");


   if (_tcsnicmp(szTemp,_T("Y"),1)==0)

      m_bDynamic = TRUE;

   //EXAMPLE : CAmvConn::FormConnection()

   m_pAmvConn->FormConnection(szProject, &status);

   if (status.status != COR_SUCCESS)


      _tprintf("ERROR:%s\n", status.err_msg);





      // wait For Connection

      _tprintf(_T("Waiting for connection..."));

      while ((!Exit(TRUE)) && (!m_bConnected))


         // Empty


      if (ShallExit())


         _tprintf(_T("\nExiting ...\n"));





         //EXAMPLE : CAmvConn::GetConnectedSystem()

          _tprintf(_T("Project %s connected\n"),




   // Print Class Filters


   // Print Resource Filters


   // Get the list of current alarms from AMRP

   //EXAMPLE : CAmvConn::RequestAlarms()


   if (status.status!=COR_SUCCESS)







      _tprintf("RequestAlarms Successful\n");


   // Print alarms to the screen


   // if Dynamic/Static Mode

   if (m_bDynamic)


      //EXAMPLE : CAmvConn::SetToDynamic()


      if (status.status!=COR_SUCCESS)







         _tprintf("SetToDynamic Successful\n");





      //EXAMPLE : CAmvConn::SetToStatic()


      if (status.status!=COR_SUCCESS)







         _tprintf("SetToStatic Successful\n");


      // In static mode Alarms will be retieved by RequestAlarms

      _tprintf("Calling RequestAlarm\n");


      // Print alarms to the screen



   // Wait for user to type "EXIT". Alarm updates are handled

   // by a separate thread via callback functions.

   while (!Exit()) {

      // Empty


   if (ShallExit())


      _tprintf(_T("\nExiting ...\n"));




// Print the class filters for this view

void CAmvTest::PrintClassFilters()


   COR_STATUS status;

   CAmvClassFilter *pClassFilter;

   TCHAR szID[80];

   _tprintf(_T("\n============== CLASS FILTERS ================\n\n"));

   for (pClassFilter=m_pAmvConn->ClassFilters->First(&status);





      if (pClassFilter->IsEnabled())


         _tprintf(_T("ID : %s, Title : %s\n"),







// Print the resource filters for this view

void CAmvTest::PrintResourceFilters()


   COR_STATUS status;

   CAmvResourceFilter *pResFilter;

   TCHAR szID[80];

   _tprintf(_T("\n============ RESOURCE FILTERS ===============\n\n"));

   for (pResFilter=m_pAmvConn->ResourceFilters->First(&status);





      if (pResFilter->IsEnabled())


         _tprintf(_T("ID : %s\n"),pResFilter->ID(szID));






// CAlarmList





void CAlarmList::DeleteAll()


   struct AlarmInfo *pAlarmInfo;

   while (!IsEmpty())


      pAlarmInfo=(struct AlarmInfo *)RemoveTail();

      delete pAlarmInfo;



// Print important fields for each alarm in the list

// Acknowledge each alarm as it is displayed

void CAlarmList::DrawList(CAmvConn *pAmvConn)


   COR_STATUS status;

   BOOL bUpdate=FALSE;

   struct AlarmInfo *pAlarmInfo;

   if (!m_bRedraw)


   POSITION pos;

   pos = GetHeadPosition();

   _tprintf(_T("\n======== ALARM LIST ========================\n\n"));

   while (pos != NULL)


      // Print alarm, resource, and class IDs

      pAlarmInfo = (struct AlarmInfo *)GetNext(pos);

      _tprintf(_T(" Alarm ID : %s\t"),pAlarmInfo->alarmId);

      _tprintf(_T("Resource ID : %s\t"),pAlarmInfo->frId);

      _tprintf(_T("Class : %s\n"),pAlarmInfo->classId);

      // Print date and time alarm was generated

      int year,month,day;

      int hh,mm,ss,subsec;









         &subsec) ;




      _tprintf(_T(" Date : %02d/%02d/%04d\t"),month,day,year);



      //ss = (pAlarmInfo->genTime.hhmmsstt-hh*1000000-mm*10000)/100;

      //tt= pAlarmInfo->genTime.hhmmsstt-hh*1000000-mm*10000-ss*100;

      _tprintf(_T("Time : %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d\n"),hh,mm,ss,subsec);

      // Print current state, acknowledgement state, and message

      _tprintf(_T(" State : %s\n"),pAlarmInfo->stateStr);

      _tprintf(_T("\tAck : %s\n"),pAlarmInfo->ackState);

      _tprintf(_T("\tMessage : %s\n"),pAlarmInfo->message);


//      AM_COMMENT2_INFO comment_info[AM_MAX_ALARM_COMMENTS] ;

//      int numComments = AM_MAX_ALARM_COMMENTS ;

      int i ;

//      pAmvConn->fill_comment_info(pAlarmInfo, &comment_info[0]

//    , &numComments, &status) ;

      _tprintf(_T("NumComments: %d\n"), pAlarmInfo->numComments) ;

      for(i = 0 ; i < pAlarmInfo->numComments ; i++)










             &subsec) ;

         _tprintf(_T(" Comment Date : %02d/%02d/%04d\t"),month,day,year);

         _tprintf(_T(" Comment Time : %02d:%02d:%02d.%02d\n"),hh,mm,ss,subsec);

         _tprintf(_T(" \"%s\"\n"), pAlarmInfo->pstacked_com[i].alarm_comment) ;



      if (pos != NULL)


      // Send Ack

      if (_tcscmp(pAlarmInfo->ackState,"N") == 0)


         bUpdate = TRUE;

         //EXAMPLE : CAmvConn::SetAction()

         pAmvConn->SetAction(pAlarmInfo,"A \0",&status);

         _tprintf(_T("\nSetAction Called\n"));




   if (bUpdate)


      //EXAMPLE : CAmvConn::UpdateList()


      _tprintf(_T("UpdateList Called\n"));



More information

Alarm Viewer API Sample Program.