
Construct a new alarm management connection and provide callback functions to be called as events occur.


Much of the work of the Alarm Viewer is done through the callback functions. Depending on application requirements, the callbacks can directly handle the event or send messages so that the event is handled in the main message loop of the program.



   void* who

   void (*dispFunc)(struct testContext *context,

                   struct AlarmInfo* pAI),

   void (*ClearDisp)(struct testContext *context),

   void (*LostAM)(struct testContext *context),

   int (*MaxAlarms)(struct testContext *context),

   void (*SetDisplayRedraw)(struct testContext *context,

                           int val),

   void (*UpdateCount)(struct testContext *context,

                      RCM_ALARM_DATA *alarmData),

void (*DoRcmError)(struct testContext *context,  

                     int state),

   void (*DoConnectionFormed)(struct testContext *context),

   void (*NotifyAlmGen)(struct testContext *context,

                       struct AlarmInfo* pAI) = 0,

   void (*NotifyAlmMod)(struct testContext *context,

                       struct AlarmInfo* pAI,

                       int alm_mod_action) = 0,

   void (*NotifyAlmDel)(struct testContext *context,

                       struct AlarmInfo* pAI) = 0);

Data Types

CAmvConn uses the textContext, SAmapCallbacks, and AlarmInfo structures.

See Also

Building an Alarm Management Connection, sample program

More information

CAmvConn class member overview.