Val (function)




Converts a given string expression to a number.


The number parameter can contain any of the following:

Leading minus sign (for nonhex or octal numbers only)

Hexadecimal number in the format &Hhexdigits

Octal number in the format &Ooctaldigits

Floating-point number, which can contain a decimal point and an optional exponent


Spaces, tabs, and line feeds are ignored.

If number does not contain a number, then 0 is returned.


The Val function continues to read characters from the string up to the first nonnumeric character.

The Val function always returns a double-precision floating-point value. This value is forced to the data type of the assigned variable.


This example inputs a number string from an InputBox and converts it to a number variable.

Sub Main()
  a$ = InputBox("Enter anything containing a number","Enter Number")
  b# = Val(a$)
  MsgBox "The value is: " & b#
End Sub


'The following table shows valid strings and their numeric equivalents:

'  "1 2 3"    123

'  "12.3"            12.3

'  "&HFFFF"          -1

'  "&O77"            63

'  "12.345E-02"      .12345

See Also

CDbl (function); Str, Str$ (functions).

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