The key to developing a straight-forward deployment system is to map out the following.
Identify the Deployment Server and Selected Viewers. |
Identify what files require synchronization on selected viewers. |
Identify what Viewers should have the configuration file automatically synchronized. |
Identify the deployment server and selected viewer names.
Make a note of the names of the viewers that will be singled out for configuration and the deployment server name.
A |
Each viewer that will be singled out in the deployment must be identified with the exact name identified on the Computer Name tab in the Windows System properties dialog box. |
B |
The deployment server name must be the exact name identified on the Computer Name tab in the Windows System properties dialog box. |
Identify files and folders that will be synchronized.
Identify the following.
A |
Exactly what files and/or file types on the viewer will require synchronization. |
B |
The target folder path on the viewer that holds the identified files. There can be more than one local path on a viewer. Note: The temporary folder on the viewer is automatically created. |
C |
Each shared folder on the deployment server that holds the source files that will be deployed to the viewer.
Identify what Viewers should have the configuration file automatically synchronized.
Identify the following for each viewer.
A |
The UNC path on the deployment server for viewers that should have the configuration file, gefdepl.dplcfg, automatically updated. Notes
B |
Viewers can have a configuration file that can only be updated manually because it will not be synchronized with the server. |
Note: Make sure the Viewers have enough hard drive space to support deployment.
Step 1. Plan deployment configuration. |