Designate a Help File for a Screen or Object

CimView supports three types of Help files that can be created for the screen or objects on the screen.

Configure a custom help file

Open a custom help file

Configure a Custom Help File

  1. Open the Properties dialog box for a CimEdit object or screen.

  2. Select the General tab.

The following help objects can be associated with the object or screen.




Text file


Help file




Enter up to 30,000 characters in the scrolling field.

Result: The text you enter will display when help is selected.


Text file

Enter the path and name of a text (.txt) file in the Text file field.

Tip: Use the Browse button to find the file and enter it in the Text file field..

Result: The selected text file opens in Notepad.


Help file

  1. Enter the name of a Help file generated by a Microsoft HELP compiler.

File types include:


Important: Winhlp32.exe is required In order for .hlp files to work on Vista and Windows 2008. This file is not shipped as a Windows feature.

You can download WinHlp32.exe from the Microsoft Website.


  1. Enter the map number in the Context ID field for the Help topic you want to display.

Result: The selected help file opens displaying the topic associated with the context ID..

Tip: If you need to browse for a file:

  1. Click the Browse button to the right of the Help file field.

  2. Open the folder that has the file.

  3. Do one of the following in the File name field.

.hlp file

Select the required .hlp file.

.chm file

Select the required .chm file.

Open a Custom Help File

Note: If there is no custom help for your selection, Help is disabled on the Popup menu.

If help has been written, the following procedures will open it.

CimEdit Object or Screen

  1. Right-click a CimEdit/CimView object or screen.

  2. Select Help on the Popup menu.

CimEdit screen

Click Help on Screen in the Home>Properties group on the CimEdit Ribbon bar.

Result: The help for the selected object or screen opens.

More information

Help for a CimEdit screen options.