Step 1. Open a Frame Container

Open a new frame container.

Open an existing frame container.

Frame container toolbar and menu items.

Open a new frame container

Choose one of the following methods.

Click New Container in the Arrange>Frame group on the CimEdit Ribbon bar.

Result: A new frame container opens displaying the Frame Container toolbar.

A Frame Container toolbar displays and corresponding Frame menu selections can be enabled.

Open an existing frame

  1. Select a frame container on the CimEdit screen.

Note: The frame container size is determined by its widest frame. The handle's display that size.

  1. Choose one of the following methods to open the frame container.

Click Open Frame Container in the Arrange>Frame group on the CimEdit Ribbon bar.

Right-click the container; select Open Frame Container on the Popup menu.

Result: The selected frame container opens displaying the selected frame.

A Frame Container toolbar displays and corresponding Frame Ribbon bar selections can be enabled.

Frame container toolbar and menu items

A frame container toolbar displays when the frame container is open.

The toolbar and Frame menu selections enable the following actions during configuration.


Frame Container


Frame Menu



Menu Item / Action



Previous Frame

Functions when there is more than one frame.

The first frame goes to the last frame in the sequence.


Next Frame

Functions when there is more than one frame.

The last frame goes to the first frame in the sequence.


New Frame

Creates a new frame in the container.

The new frame is automatically placed at the end of the sequence.


Delete Frame

Deletes the active frame.


Close Frame Container

Menu only


New Frame Container

Enabled whether or not a frame container is open.


Open Frame Container

Enabled when a frame container is available to be opened.

Enabled with frame container actions when a frame container is open and there are more than one containers on the screen.

More information

8. Frame animation.