If your runtime requirements are such that your users need to be able to quickly access screens in CimView, consider the following.
Size memory. |
Size the screen cache. |
Preload the screen cache. |
Prevent swaps to the pagefile. |
Adjust the touch interval. |
Tip: You can use the Windows Performance Monitor
to review CimView performance counters to monitor the performance
of CimView during any single session.
Size Memory
For best performance on screen transfers, make sure that you have at least 60 MB of RAM on the computer that is displaying CimView screens.
Size the Screen Cache
The default cache size for CimView is eight (8) screens. You may use the GSM_CACHE_SIZE global parameter to change the default.
Note: All screens in the cache, whether
being displayed or not, continue to have their points updated from
the Point Manager. If you have many screens in the cache with
rapidly changing points, this may affect your system
Screens are put in the cache as they are displayed by the users. If space is needed for a new screen and the cache is full, the oldest screen in the cache is removed to make space for the new screen.
Preload the Screen Cache
For faster screen access, you can install your initial CimView screen with the /loadcache <cachefile> argument. The screens that you specify in the <cachefile> file will be pre-loaded into the screen cache. In addition, you can specify which screens you want to lock into the cache.
Screens that are locked into the cache are never removed, no matter how old they are.
The default screen cache size is eight (8). You can use the GSM_CACHE_SIZE global parameter to change this default.
The screen cache size used by CimView is the larger of the default screen cache size or the number of files you specify in the <cachefile> file. For example, if GSM_CACHE_SIZE is set to 10 and you list three screens in the <cachefile> file, the screen cache size is set to 10. However, if you list 12 screens in the <cachefile> file, the screen cache size is set to 12.
The <cachefile> file is a text file. Each line of the text file contains the name of a screen to be preloaded in the cache when the primary CimView screen opens. Add a "Lock" parameter after those screens that you want CimView to keep in the cache. Screens that do not have a "Lock" parameter will be removed from the cache to make room for a more recently used screens.
An example of a <cachefile> file is:
"screen1.cim" Lock
"screen3.cim" Lock
"screen5.cim" Lock
"screen6.cim" Lock
"screen7.cim" Lock
"screen8.cim" Lock
If the <cachefile> name is not fully qualified, its location depends on how users start CimView:
When starting CimView from a
shortcut, the working directory for the <cachefile> is determined by the Start in field of the Properties
When starting CimView from the
command prompt, the working directory for the <cachefile> is relative to where the user is in the
Command Prompt.
Prevent Swaps in the Screen File
When a user attempts to transfer from one screen to another in the cache after a long period of inactivity, the transfer may be slow because the cache has been swapped out to the pagefile. In addition, if the current screen has no animation, it can also be swapped out to the pagefile.
If you need an immediate response, no matter how long the screen has been displayed, install your initial CimView screen with the /TouchActive, /TouchDyn, and /TouchStat arguments. These options keep the screens from being swapped out.
The first time a user invokes a CimView screen with one of the /Touch… arguments, the Touch Documents Interval is created in the Registry under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GE Fanuc\CIMPLICITY\HMI\<version>\CimView\Touch Documents Interval
Its value is in milliseconds, and defaults to 420000 (7 minutes).
Adjust the Touch Interval
If you are having still having problems with cached screens transferring slowly after a long period of inactivity, you can adjust the rate that CimView touches the screens to a value below 60000 (1 minute).
Run regedit.exe.
Enter a new value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\GE
Fanuc\CIMPLICITY\HMI\<version>\CimView\Touch Documents
Important: Adjusting this value too low
will slow animation on the screens.
CimEdit/CimView screen management. |