CimData (object)

Represents a vector of X or Y series data values.
Description: CimData is the vector of X or Y series data values. It contains a fixed number of data values.

The vector allows you to configure the number of data values it contains as well as access each data value individually.


The following CimView script excerpt changes the size of the X vector on a series called Series 1:
cimOleObj.Series("Series 1").Data.X.Count = 500

The following CimView script excerpt sets a variable to the 10th (index 9) X data value:
Dim value as Variant
value = cimOleObj.Series("Series 1").Data.X.Item(9)

The following CimView script excerpt also sets a variable to the 10th (index 9) X data value. However, it ommits using Item because it is the default property:
Dim value as Variant
value = cimOleObj.Series("Series 1").Data.X(9)

The following CimView script excerpt sets the 10th (index 9) X data value to 100.57:
cimOleObj.Series("Series 1").Data.X(9) = 100.57

The following CimView script excerpt sets the 10th (index 9) X data value to unavailable:
cimOleObj.Series("Series 1").Data.X.Item(9) = Empty

The following CimView script excerpt sets the 10th (index 9) X data value to a numerical string of value 5.7:
cimOleObj.Series("Series 1").Data.X(9) ="5.7"

Properties: Count , Item , Value
Methods: Clear , Push , Set