CimData.Value (property)

Gets or sets the actual vector of data values.
Syntax: VARIANT = object.Value
object.Value = VARIANT
Description: CimData.Value gets or sets the actual vector of data values.

When you get the vector, each data value is of either type Double or Empty depending on whether is available or unavailable, respectively.

When you set the vector, each data value in the vector can be of any type that can be converted to a numeric type. That can be any of the following types:
7 Integer
7 Long
7 Single
7 Double
7 Decimal
7 Boolean
7 Byte
7 Variant
7 String
The size of the vector is set to the size of the variable it is set to. That can be a single or array numeric type.


The following CimView script excerpt gets a series X vector:

Dim x as Variant
x = cimOleObj.Series("Series 1").Data.X.Value

The following CimView script excerpt sets a series X vector to a 5-element array of integers:

Dim x(4) as Integer
x(0) = 1
x(1) = 2
x(2) = 3
x(3) = 4
x(4) = 5
cimOleObj.Series("Series 1").Data.X.Value = x
See Also: Set