Gets and sets an index that determines the source of data. | |
Syntax: | long = object.Index object.Index = long |
Description: | CimLegendColumn.Order
contains an index to a source in a collection. The source is an
object that varies depending on the type of column: apLegendSeriesName - Index is not used. apLegendSeriesValueAtIndex - Index contains the index to the series data value you want to display. Example If you specify column.Index = 0 , the column will
display the first data value (X or Y, depending on the value of
ShowX) for each series
displayed in each legend
row.apLegendSeriesValueAtSlider - Index contains the index to the slider you want to use from the slider collection. Example If you specify column.Index = 0 , the column will
display the series data value that intersects the first slider for
each series displayed in each legend row. If the slider is horizontal, then the data values are
X values. If the slider is vertical, then the data values are Y
values.apLegendSliderName - Index is not used. apLegendSliderValue - Index contains the index to the axis you want to use. If the slider is a horizontal slider, the axis used is the one at the location specified by Index from the Y axis collection. This is because a horizontal slider traverses accross a Y axis. If the slider is a vertical slider, the axis used is the one at the location specified by Index from the X axis collection. This is because a vertical slider traverses accross an X axis. Example If you specify column.Index = 0 the column will
display the coordinate value at the intersection between the slider
and the first axis (Y if horizontal axis, X if vertical axis) for
each slider in each legend row. |