CimScrollButtonPair.Full (property)

Gets and sets the full page scroll button.
Syntax: Set CimButton = object.Full
object.Full = CimButton
Description: CimScrollButtonPair.Full contains the full page scroll button. This button draws as a double arrow or triangle that points to the direction it scrolls. You can use this button to scroll an axis forward or backward by one full page.

When you scroll and axis forward by one full page, the low limit value is set to the original high limit value and the high limit is set to the original high limit value plus the difference between the original high limit value and the original low limit value.

When you scroll and axis backward by one full page, the high limit value is set to the original low limit value and the low limit is set to the original low limit value minus the difference between the original high limit value and the original low limit value.


An axis with a low limit of 100 and a high limit of 200 is scrolled forward by one full page. The low limit after scrolling is 200 and the high limit is 300.