Step 3. Select the Type of Slider

Under Slider–Item, select either:


Displays the:

apSliderVertical (Default)

Interesected Y data value shows. This is because a vertical slider moves across the X-axis. Therefore, for each X data value that the slider is at, you have a Y data value on the series data vector.

If there is more than one intersected Y data value, the data value that is displayed is the first intersected data value found from the end to the beginning of the data vector.


Interesected X data value shows. This is because a horizontal slider moves across the Y axis. Therefore, for each Y data value that the slider is at, you have an X data value on the series data vector.

If there is more than one intersected X data value, the data value that is displayed is the first intersected data value found from the end to the beginning of the data vector.

More information

Design a slider.