Expand Slider under Legends.
Specify if the slider's header should be visible.
Select HeaderVisible under Legends–Slider.
Select True to make it visible, False to hide it.
Configure the font to display in the series header.
Select Font under Legends–Slider.
Click the Font button on the Legend–Slider Font row
and open the Font dialog box to configure the font, or
Set UseAmbientFont under Legends–Slider to True.
Select a fill for the header's background.
Select Brush under Legends–Slider.
Select a color for the header background.
Click the down
arrow to the right of the displayed
Select a color from the palette that appears.
Select the brush Type.
Type |
Fills the series with a: |
apBrushSolid |
Solid color |
apBrushHatch |
Hatch (pattern) |
Select a HatchStyle for the brush if you selected apBrushHatch as the type.
apHatchBackwardDiagonal |
apHatchCross |
apHatchDiagonalCross |
apHatchForwardDiagonal |
apHatchHorizontal |
apHatchVertical |
Configure the legend's columns for the XY Plot's slider.
Expand Columns under Legends–Slider.
The number of columns currently in the header appears (grayed out) in the Count row. You can add additional columns or delete existing ones.
Expand Item.
Each number that appears represents a column in the order that it displays, from left to right, e.g. 0 represents the column that is furthest left.
Set Visible to True to make the column visible; False to hide it.
Specify the type of slider's value that appears in the legend. The options are:
Option |
Shows the |
apLegendName |
Slider name |
apLegendSliderValue |
Value of a slider relative to an axis |
Make specifications when apLegendSliderValue is selected.
Enter an Index value that specifies the axis you want to use. The index is the position of the axis in the X or Y-axis collection. For a vertical slider the axis must be an X-axis; for a horizontal slider, a Y-axis.
Enter text that displays as the column header in the Header row. The text normally describes the type of value the column is reporting.
Specify the column width.
Set AutoWidth to True to make the column width expand or contract to accommodate the width of its values, or
Set AutoWidth to False and enter a value in the Width row.
A value of 1 is equivalent to 1/100th of a millimeter (when a CimView screen is at 100% zoom).
Enter a number in the Order row that defines the order in which the column should appear in the legend, from left to right. For example, 0 is the first column at the left of the legend; 1 is to Column 0's right.
(Optional) Add additional columns.
Select Item under Legends–Slider.
Click the right mouse button.
Select Add from the popup menu.
Select a fill for a selected column.
Expand Brush under Column–Item <number>.
Click the Palette button on the Color row to select a color.
Format the Slider Legend's rows for the XY Plot series.
Expand Row under Legends–Slider.
The number of rows currently in the Slider Legend appears (grayed out) in the Count row.
Enter the maximum number of Slider Legend rows that can be visible during runtime in the VisibleCount row.
Design XY plot legends. |