CIMLangMap.AddLanguage (method)

Adds a language to the Languages collection.
Syntax: Set object = object.AddLanguage ( Name, LocaleID )
Name As String -
LocaleID As long -
Description: Adds a language to the Languages collection. If the language already exists, this will change the LocaleID of the existing language to the LocaleID passed. The name is case insensitive so "JPN", is the same as "jpn".


Sub AddLanguage_Example()
    Dim oLangMap As CIMLangMapper.CIMLangMap
    Dim oLang As CIMLangMapper.CIMLanguage
    Set oLangMap = CreateObject("CIMLangMapper.CIMLangMap")
    oLangMap.Load "c:\trans.clm"
    Set oLang = oLangMap.AddLanguage("JPN", 1041)
End Sub
See Also: CIMLanguage , CIMLanguage.LocaleID