CIMLanguage.Parent (read-only property)

Gets the CIMLanguages collection that this language is in.
Syntax: Set object = object.Parent
Description: Gets the CIMLanguages collection that this language is a member of.


Sub Parent_Example()
    Dim oLangMap As CIMLangMapper.CIMLangMap
    Dim oLangs As CIMLangMapper.CIMLanguages
    Dim oLang As CIMLangMapper.CIMLanguage
    Set oLangMap = CreateObject("CIMLangMapper.CIMLangMap")
    Set oLangs = oLangMap.Languages
    Set oLang = oLangs.AddLanguage("JPN", 1041)
    MsgBox oLang.Name
    MsgBox oLang.LocaleID
    Set oLangs = oLang.Parent
End Sub