CimClassEventActionList (object)

Contains the properties of a CimClassEventActionList Object.
Description: CimClassEventActionList is an enumeration of CimEventAction objects that represent.


Dim class as CimClassInstance
Dim eventList as CimClassEventList
Dim event as CimEvent
Dim eventActionList as CimClassEventActionList
Dim eventAction as CimEventAction
Set eventList = class.Events
Set event = eventList.Item("EXISTING_EVENT")
Set eventActionList = event.Actions
Set eventAction = eventActionList.Add("POINT_ACTION")
eventAction.ActionOrder = 0

Set event = eventList.Item("EXISTING_EVENT_TWO")
Set eventActionList = newAlarmEvent.Actions
Set eventAction = eventActionList.Add("POINT_ACTION")
eventAction.ActionOrder = 0

Set eventAction = eventActionList.Add("SCRIPT_ACTION")
eventAction.ActionOrder = 1

Properties: Count , Item
Methods: Add , Delete