CimClassEventList (object)

Contains the properties of a CimClassEventList Object.
Description: DCimClassEventList is an enumeration of CimEvent objects. The CimClassEventList is returned from the CimClassInstance.Events property. Existing events can be retrieved and modified and new events can be added to the CimClassEventList object.


Dim class as CimClassInstance
Dim eventList as CimClassEventList
Dim event as CimEvent
Set eventList = class.Events
Set event = eventList.Add("POINT_EVENT")
event.Type = cimPointEquals
event.PointValue = "4325"
event.Enabled = True
event.AlarmOnOverFlow = True
event.LogErrorOnOverFlow = False
event.EventExecution = cimSequentialExecution

Properties: Count , Item
Methods: Add , Delete