CimDevicePoint (object)

Contains the properties of a Device specific point configuration.
Description: The CimDevicePoint object contains the device information for a CIMPLICITY point.


set points = project.points
Dim point as CimPoint
set point = points.Item("R1")
point.DevicePoint.DeviceId = "C_9030"
point.DevicePoint.Address = "%R1"
point.DevicePoint.ScanRate = 2 ' Two times base port scan rate
point.DevicePoint.PollAfterSetpoint = True
point.DevicePoint.UpdateCriteria = cimOnchange
Properties: Address , AddressOffset , AddressType , AnalogDeadband , DelayLoad , DeviceID , JustInTime , PollAfterSetpoint , ScanRate , TriggerType , TriggerValue , UpdateCriteria