CimPointList.NewPoint (method)

Method to add a new point.
Syntax: Set CimPoint = object.NewPoint ( PointID, PointTypeID )
PointID As String - Point Id of new point
PointTypeID As String - Point Type ID for new point
Description: CimPointList.NewPoint provides an efficient method to create a new point associated with a project. The point is not added to the project and save must be called to add the point to the project.


Dim points as CimPointList
set points = project.points

' Create a new global point with an initial value set to None
Dim point as CimPoint
Set point = points.NewPoint("G1", "INT")

point.ResourceID = "$SYSTEM"
point.Type = cimGlobal
point.DerivedPoint.InitState = cimInitialized
point.DerivedPoint.InitValue = "0"
point.PointAlarm.AlarmConfigured = False
Points.Save point, True

' Create a new device point
Dim point as CimPoint
Set point = points.NewPoint("R1", "INT")

point.ResourceID = "$SYSTEM"
point.Type = cimDevice
point.DevicePoint.DeviceId = "C_9030"
point.DevicePoint.Address = "%R1000"
point.PointAlarm.AlarmConfigured = False
Points.Save point, True