CimProject (object)

Contains the properties of a CIMPLICITY Project.
Description: The CimProject object represents a CIMPLICITY Project and is the object that is used to access points and other configuration within the project.


Dim project As CimProject
Set project = CreateObject("CimProject")
project.OpenLocalProject "c:\cimplicity\hmi\projects\cimpdemo\cimpdemo.gef"
Properties: Actions , AlarmClasses , Classes , Database , Devices , DynamicMode , EventActions , Events , GlobalParms , InstallRoot , MeasurementManager , MeasurementSystem , NeedsConfigUpdate , NeedsVersionUpgrade , Objects , PCMInteractive , PCMPassword , PCMSaveAlarmSetups , PCMSavePasswords , PCMUsername , PointEnums , Points , Ports , ProjectFile , ProjectName , ProjectPassword , ProjectUserName , Resources , Roles , Users , VersionNumber , XML
Methods: ClassExport , ClassImport , ConfigurationUpdate , EventManagerDynamicUpdate , OpenLocalProject , SiteRoot , VersionUpgrade