Point Type |
All |
Maximum Field Length |
Integer |
Alarm Delay Interval (value) |
Description |
For Rate of Change alarms, the frequency with which the point will be sampled for Rate of Change alarming. For Absolute alarms, the length of delay before the alarm is reported if Delay Alarms is set to Y. |
Note: CLIE import generates an error
and fails for points where the SAMPLE_INTV field value is set to less
than 5 and SAMPLE_INTV_UNIT is set to SEC.
This is the alarm delay time setting field, which
was modified to accept a delay of less than 5 seconds. Error
messages in the CLIE log files are as follows for each point that
1) Error in Sample Interval for Point '<pointname>'
2) Error deriving field data in SNF record for point
Import/export optional fields. |