Upload CNC file data from CNC memory to files on the PC.
Correct usage
C:\> cnc_eupload_tool <data> <ipaddr> <portnum> <pathnum> <filespec.csv> <start> <end>
Usage defined
<data> |
CNC file data. Enter one of the following. |
parm |
Parameter Data |
tofs |
Tool Offset Data |
zofs |
Work Zero Offset Data |
cmv |
Custom Macro Variable Data |
pec |
Pitch Error Compensation |
kbit |
Keep Relay Data |
diag |
Diagnostic Data |
<ipaddr> |
IP address of the CNC. |
<portnum> |
Port number of the CNC. |
<pathnum> |
Path to the CNC. Enter one of the following. |
Value |
Path |
0 |
None |
1 |
First |
2 |
Second |
3 |
Third |
4 |
Fourth |
Series 300i/310i/320i only |
5 |
Fifth |
Series 300i/310i/320i only |
6 |
Sixth |
Series 300i/310i/320i only |
7 |
Seventh |
Series 300i/310i/320i only |
8 |
Eighth |
Series 300i/310i/320i only |
9 |
Ninth |
Series 300i/310i/320i only |
10 |
Tenth |
Series 300i/310i/320i only |
If the CNC does not support multiple paths, enter 0. |
<filespec> |
File specification of file to receive the uploaded data. This may be a fully qualified filename or a filename in the current directory in comma separated variable (.csv) format. |
<start> |
Starting range of file data to upload. |
<end> |
Ending range of file data to upload. |
If both the start and end are left blank, all of the specified data for the CNC is uploaded. |
The contents of the CNC parameter data table between <start> and <end> are uploaded to the <filespec> for <ipaddr>, <portnum> and <pathnum>:
C:\> cnc_eupload_tool parm 8172 0 parm1000.csv 1 1000
Uploading parm 0001 - 1000 to parm1000.csv: Success
The file parm1000.csv is either created or overwritten with all the parameters in the range of 1 to 1000 currently registered in CNC memory. The file upload_tool_log.csv is either created or overwritten with any errors during the upload.
In the following example, the entire contents of the CNC parameter data table is uploaded to the <filespec> for <ipaddr>, <portnum> and <pathnum>:
C:\> cnc_eupload_tool parm 8172 0 parmall.csv
Uploading all parm to parmall.csv: Success
The file parmall.csv is either created or overwritten with all the parameters currently registered in CNC memory. The file upload_tool_log.csv is either created or overwritten with any errors during the upload.
Following is a list of possible errors:
Could not determine CNC type for
node x.
Could not link to DLL.
Failure to get directory info.
Bad directory info returned.
CNC File Data Command Line Utilities for FOCAS/Ethernet. |