CimDbap.LoadLoginData (method)

Enables automatic CIMPLICITY login for the API
Syntax: object.LoadLoginData filename
filename As String - A string containing the login information to be used
Description: When using the Historical Data Connector API in a CIMPLICITY user application, such as a CimView script, the application will prompt the user with a CIMPLICITY login dialog box if the user is not logged into the project for which the request was submitted. Other applications may not be equiped to provide a login dialog or may be unable to provide a login dialog (e.g. applications that run as a service). You can create a login data file containing the login information that the Historical Data Connector should use for each project.

The format of the file should be as follows.

* Format
* If project is not specified then userid will be the default
* for all projects.


Dim oCimDbap as Object
Set oCimDbap = CreateObject("DbapDisp.CimDbap")