DDE Device Properties

When you configure a physical device for the DDE Client Communications enabler, use the DDE properties to enter information about DDE communications for the device. You can define the following:


Enter the Application name:

For DDE communications, enter the Service Name of the DDE server.

For NetDDE communications, enter \\Nodename\ndde$, where Nodename is the computer name where the DDE Server is running.


Enter the Topic name:

For DDE communications, enter the Topic Name that is configured for the specific DDE Server you are using.

For NetDDE communication, enter the DDE share name created within the ddeshare utility.

Server Path

Enter the full server executable name if the server should be started by the CIMPLICITY DDE Client Communications enabler.

If you provide the executable name of the Server, the Enabler will start the server before attempting to connect to the Server.

If you do not provide the Server's executable path, you must start the Server independently and ensure the CIMPLICITY project and the Server are running under the same USER_ID.


Set this check box if you want the device to be enabled when the project starts. If you clear this check box, the device will not be enabled when the project starts, and points will not be available for this device.

More information

    DDE device configuration.