ODBC Configuration

When you install CIMPLICITY if you:

Install the (MSDE) database server option, a Microsoft SQL 2000 compatible database server, the ODBC driver will be SQL Server data sources.

Do not install the server, CIMPLICITY  redistributes ODBC using Microsoft data access components.

You do not need to purchase or configure additional software to use these drivers.

image\Tips.gif Tip: Install the database server because, as a SQL server, it provides better scaling when you want to go to a more robust SQL server to support Enterprise type solutions.

For improved performance and network extensibility, you may wish to log to a third-party database product such as Microsoft SQL Server or Oracle.

More information


ODBC drivers a data sources for database logging overview.


SQL Server data sources configuration


Proficy SQL


Microsoft Access data sources configuration.


Oracle configuration guidelines.

Oracle for CIMPLICITY configuration.


About Database Logging management.