Open the CIMPLICITY Workbench.
Expand the Runtime folder in the Workbench left-pane.
Select FirstPAGE Client.
Do any of the following.
Double-click FirstPAGE Client in the Workbench right-pane.
Right-click FirstPAGE Client in the Workbench right-pane; select
Properties on the Popup menu.
Select FirstPAGE Client in the Workbench right-pane; press
Alt+Enter on the keyboard.
Note: If the client cannot connect to a FirstPAGE server a message box will open telling you to select a new server for the FirstPAGE Client.
The FirstPAGE Pager Client window opens when you use any method.
All Destinations and Distribution Lists that have been configured in FirstPAGE Administrator display in the tree view.
(If your administrator has enabled security in FirstPAGE Administrator) enter the following before you can access FirstPAGE Client.
User ID
Valid Domain name
Installing and configuring
FirstPage client.