The following fields (for display and sorting) and filter criteria are available when <default Historian> and ihRawData are selected on the Connection tab in the Historical Alarm Viewer Properties dialog box.
Criteria Type |
Fields |
Time |
TimeStamp |
Other |
Tagname Value Quality OPCQualityValid OPCQuality SamplingMode Direction NumberOfSamples IntervalMilliseconds CalculationMode FilterTag FilterMode FilterComparisonMode FilterValue TimeZone DaylightSavingTime RowCount |
Important: If you choose
the ihRawData
table, modify the Query (Data filters)
to the following.
SELECT * FROM "ihRawData" WHERE "timestamp">='<Date><Time>' and ("SamplingMode"='''interpolated''') ORDER BY "timestamp" DESC
SELECT * FROM "ihRawData" WHERE "timestamp">='2008-05-17 20:01:09' and ("SamplingMode"='''interpolated''') ORDER BY "timestamp" DESC
1. Default Historian Tables and field options. |