Service requests such as read point, setpoint, read address and write address as well as point initialization are performed synchronously.

Defaults are as follows.

Default behavior

Use the defined maximum asynchronous age request.

This value is defined by the logical DCQ_DEAD_TIME (the units are automatically converted to ticks to ensure equivalence).

Default value

If no value is defined, the default value is 2 minutes.

The logical controls how long (in ticks) Mitsubishi TCP/IP communications will wait for a synchronous response from a device, once the request has been made of the device.

To change the time-outs:

For all devices on a single port:

Add the following records to the log_names.cfg file.


For all devices in a selected project:

Add the following records to the log_names.cfg file.




 <ticks> is the time delay represented in ticks.  1 tick = 1/100 seconds

Important: The order of precedence for the logicals is:

  1. <PORT>_MSYNC_TICKS (port defined logical).

  2. MSYNC_TICKS (project-wide defined globals).

  3. MMAX_SYNC_TICKS (project-wide defined globals).

  4. DCQ_DEAD_TIME (default).

Note: It may be necessary to increase the number of ticks to 50 if the Mitsubishi TCP/IP driver is timing out with errors.

More information

Change timing and performance characteristics.