CIMPLICITY project security is extended to all clients of the CIMPLICITY OPC Server. The OPC Server acts as a proxy for an OPC client, granting secure access to a CIMPLICITY project point using the username and the password attributed to the OPC Server.
Security settings are attributed to a server using the Security Dialog of the OPC Server interface.
The OPC Server always runs on the same computer node as a CIMPLICITY project(s).
In order for an OPC client to successfully access points of a project, a username and a password must be specified for each CIMPLICITY project that:
Is visible on this computer node,
Must be made accessible to an OPC
When an OPC client references a point in a project, the OPC Server connects to the project using the username and the password specified for the project.
The following diagram illustrates the security settings granted to two OPC client applications accessing three CIMPLICITY projects via the OPC server.
CIMPLICITY OPC Server technical notes. |