Run ptq_onchgstru

If you have a communications enabler (like Siemens H1-TF) that supports Structure points, you can use this test program to display them.

To run ptq_onchgstru, enter the command:


The PTQ> prompt appears. Enter the Point ID for the Structure point you want to display and press Enter.

After you press Enter, the current value for the Structure point in the point management database is displayed. Remember that this is the current value in the database. The frequency with which the Structure point is collected by the system is determined by the Structure point's configured scan rate. If the configured rate is 5 seconds, there may be as much as a five second delay between changes at the controller and in the point management data base.

The Structure point field values are displayed with engineering units conversion if so configured. After the values are shown, the program waits for the Structure point update to be received from point management. Whenever one of the fields changes value, the Structure point is sent to the program, and the updated field values are displayed on the terminal. Press Ctrl+C to terminate the program.

More information

Sample programs.