GefChildScreens.Item (read-only property)

Gets the specified item from the collection.
Syntax: Set GefScreen = object.Item ( Index )
Index As long -
Description: The Item method is the default method for collections.

The Index argument can range from 0 to Count-1.


Sub GefChildScreens_Item()
    Dim oCimScr As GefScreen
    Dim oCimChildScrs As GefChildScreens
    Dim oCimOpenScr As GefScreen
    Dim nScrsCount As Integer
    Dim oCimParentScrs As GefScreens
    Set oCimScr = CimGetScreen
    Set oCimOpenScr = oCimScr.Application.Screens.DialogPopup( _
        CimGetScreen, "SourceScr.Cim")
    Set oCimParentScrs = oCimOpenScr.Parent
    For nScrsCount = 0 To oCimParentScrs.Item(0).ChildScreens.Count - 1
        Set oCimChildScrs = oCimParentScrs.Item(0).ChildScreens(nScrsCount)
        MsgBox "Screen " & nScrsCount + 1 & " is " & _
    Next nScrsCount
End Sub