GefContextMenuItem.GetNativeCommandAction (method)

Returns True if the menu item is a native command and retrieves the command id
Syntax: Boolean = object.GetNativeCommandAction ( CommandID )
CommandID As GefMenuCommandIDEnum* -
Description: The GetNativeCommandAction method returns True if the menu item is a native menu action and retrieves the CommandID. Valid values for the CommandID are values of the GefMenuCommandIDEnum.


Sub OnPreContextMenu(oContextMenu As GefContextMenu)
  Dim oContextMenuItem As GefContextMenuItem
  Dim oContextMenuItems As GefContextMenuItems
  Set oContextMenuItems = oContextMenu.MenuItems
  For Each oContextMenuItem in oContextMenuItems
    If oContextMenuItem.Type = gefMenuItemTypePointTarget Then
      oContextMenuItem.Enabled = False
      Dim command As Long
      If oContextMenuItem.GetNativeCommandAction(command) Then
        If command = gefMenuCommand_ID_EDIT_POINTVIEW Then
          oContextMenuItem.Enabled = False
        End If
      End If
    End If
  Next oContextMenuItem
End Sub