GefEventContext.OleParmsCount (read-only property)

Gets the number of OLE parameters available.
Syntax: long = object.OleParmsCount
Description: This property is only valid if the Type of the GefEvent is gefEventActiveX (an ActiveX control fired event).


Sub EventContext_GetOleParm()
    Dim oCimEvntContxt As GefEventContext
    Dim nI As Integer
    Set oCimEvntContxt = CimGetEventContext
    For nI = 0 To oCimEvntContxt.OleParmsCount - 1
        MsgBox "The OLE parameter with an index of " & nI & _
            " is " & """" & oCimEvntContxt.GetOleParmName(nI) & _
            """" & " with a value of " & _
    Next nI
End Sub