GefExecutionCondition (object)

Represents the attributes of a Execution of an event.
Description: The GefExecutionCondition object represents the condition for which an event may be triggered.


Sub ExecutionCondition_Expression()
    Dim oCimExecCond As GefExecutionCondition
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimProcedure As GefProcedure
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Set oCimProcedure = oCimObj.Procedures.Item(0)
    Set oCimExecCond = oCimProcedure.ExecutionCondition
    MsgBox "The Expression is currently " & _
        """" & oCimExecCond.Expression & """"
End Sub
Properties: Application , DisabledMessage , Expression , Parent