GefExprListAnimElement.AnimatesText (property)

Gets and sets whether or not the animation element animates the text string of the object.
Syntax: Boolean = object.AnimatesText
object.AnimatesText = Boolean
Description: The AnimatesText property toggles whether or not the objects text is changed onder the expression condition.


Sub ExprListAnimElement_AnimatesText()
    Dim oCimExprListAnim As GefExprListAnim
    Dim oCimExprListAnimElmt As GefExprListAnimElement
    Set oCimExprListAnim = CimGetObject.ExprListAnim
    Set oCimExprListAnimElmt = oCimExprListAnim.Add
    oCimExprListAnimElmt.Expression ="1"
    oCimExprListAnimElmt.AnimatesText ="1"
    oCimExprListAnimElmt.Text = "Animated text"
    CimGetScreen.Refresh False
End Sub