GefExprListAnimElement.GetBlinkLine (method)

Gets the blink line format that is applied if this element is used.
Syntax: Set GefLineFormat = object.GetBlinkLine ( Create )
Optional Create As Boolean -
Description: The format is only applied if the AnimatesBlinkLine property is true.


Sub ExprListAnimElement_GetBlinkLine()
    Dim oCimExprListAnim As GefExprListAnim
    Dim oCimExprListAnimElmt As GefExprListAnimElement
    Dim oCimObjLineFmt As GefLineFormat
    Set oCimExprListAnim = CimGetObject.ExprListAnim
    Set oCimExprListAnimElmt = oCimExprListAnim.Add
    oCimExprListAnimElmt.Expression ="1"
    oCimExprListAnimElmt.AnimatesBlinkLine = True
    Set oCimObjLineFmt = oCimExprListAnimElmt.GetBlinkLine(True)
    oCimObjLineFmt.Weight = 200
    MsgBox "The weight of the line is " & oCimObjLineFmt.Weight
    CimGetScreen.Refresh False
End Sub