GefExprListAnimElement (object)

Represents the attributes of an element in the expression list animation on an object.
Description: The CimExprListAnimElement object represents the attributes of an element in the expression list animation on an object. This object is accessed through the Item property of the CimExprListAnim object. The default property is Expression.


Sub GefObject_ExprListAnim()
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimExprLstAnim As GefExprListAnim
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Set oCimExprLstAnim = oCimObj.ExprListAnim
    If oCimExprLstAnim Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "This object does not support expression " & _
            "lists animations"
        MsgBox "This object does support expression " & _
            "lists animations"
    End If
End Sub
Properties: AnimatesBlink , AnimatesBlinkFill , AnimatesBlinkLine , AnimatesFill , AnimatesFont , AnimatesLine , AnimatesText , Application , BlinkRate , Expression , Index , Parent , Text
Methods: GetBlinkFill , GetBlinkLine , GetFill , GetFont , GetLine