Gets and sets whether the group's line properties override the line properties of its children. | |
Syntax: | GefTriStateEnum = object.OverrideLine object.OverrideLine = GefTriStateEnum |
Description: | The OverrideLine property sets the line
property of all of the objects within the group to match the group
container. Example: Sub GefGroupFormat_OverRideLine() Dim oCimGrpFmt As
GefGroupFormat Set oCimGrpFmt =
CimGetObject.GroupFormat If Not ocimfrpfmt Is Nothing
Then Select Case
oCimGrpFmt.OverrideLine Case
gefStateFalse MsgBox
"The group object will not override " & _ "the
line properties of the objects within" Case
gefStateMixed MsgBox
"The override line property is in an " & _ "unknown
state or is not set" Case
gefStateTrue MsgBox
"The group object will override the " & _ "line
properties of the objects within" End
Select End If End Sub |