GefMoveAnim (object)

Represents the attributes of horizontal and vertical move animation on an object.
Description: The GefMoveAnim object represents the attributes of horizontal or vertical move animation on an object.


Sub GefMoveAnim_HorizontalAttrib()
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimMoveAnim As GefMoveAnim
    Dim oCimMoveAnimAttrib As GefMoveAnimAttrib
    Dim oCimExecCond As GefExecutionCondition
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Set oCimMoveAnim = oCimObj.MoveAnim
    If Not oCimMoveAnim Is Nothing Then
        Set oCimMoveAnimAttrib = oCimMoveAnim.HorizontalAttrib
        If Not oCimMoveAnimAttrib Is Nothing Then
            Set oCimExecCond = oCimMoveAnimAttrib.SliderActionCondition
            If Not oCimExecCond Is Nothing Then
                MsgBox "The expression is " & _
            End If
        End If
    End If
End Sub
Properties: Application , HorizontalAttrib , Parent , VerticalAttrib