GefObject.HelpFile (read-only property)

Gets the help file configured for this object.
Syntax: String = object.HelpFile
Description: Valid for objects with HelpType of gefHelpTextFile or gefHelpWinHelp.

For gefHelpTextFile, this file is the text file that will be displayed when the user asks for help.

For gefHelpWinHelp, this file is the Windows help file that will be displayed when the user asks for help. The HelpContextIDExpr specifies the context ID of the help topic within that file.


Sub GefObject_HelpFile()
    Dim oCimObj As Gefobject
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Select Case oCimObj.HelpType
        Case gefHelpNone
            MsgBox "The help text is " & _
                """" & oCimObj.HelpText & """"
        Case gefHelpText
            MsgBox "There is help text specified for this object"
        Case gefHelpTextFile
            MsgBox "The help file is " & _
                """" & oCimObj.HelpFile & """"
        Case gefHelpWinHelp
            MsgBox "The help file is " & _
                """" & oCimObj.HelpFile & """"
            MsgBox "The help context id expression is " & _
                """" & oCimObj.HelpContextIDExpr & """"
    End Select
End Sub
See Also: SetHelpTextFile , SetHelpWinHelp