GefObjectEvents.GetKeyDown (method)

Gets the GefObjectEvent for the specified event type.
Syntax: Set GefObjectEvent = object.GetKeyDown ( Key, KeyModFlags, Create )
Key As long -
Optional KeyModFlags As long -
Optional Create As Boolean - If specified as True, an event of this type will be created if one does not already exist. The default is False.
Description: The Key and KeyModFlags parameters indicate which key event is being used.


Sub GefObjectEvents_GetKeyDown()
    Dim oCimObj As GefObject
    Dim oCimObjEvnts As GefObjectEvents
    Dim oCimObjEvnt As GefObjectEvent
    Set oCimObj = CimGetObject
    Set oCimObjEvnts = oCimObj.Events
    Set oCimObjEvnt = oCimObjEvnts.GetKeyDown(65, 0, False)
    If Not oCimObjEvnt Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "The event's action name is " & _
        MsgBox "There are no Key down events configured " & _
            "for the letter 'A'"
    End If
End Sub