GefObjectExpression (object)

Represents an expression in a collection of expressions configured for an object.
Description: GefObjectExpression contains an expression from the collection of expressions owned by an GefObjectExpressions object.

The default method is Expression.


Sub ScreenExpressions()
 Dim oCimScr As GefScreen
 Dim oCimScrObj As GefObject
 Dim oCimObjs As GefObjects
 Dim oCimObj As GefObject
 Dim oCimExps As GefObjectExpressions
 Dim oCimExp As GefObjectExpression
 Set oCimScr = CimGetScreen
 Set oCimScrObj = oCimScr.Object
 Set oCimObjs = oCimScrObj.Objects
 MsgBox "Screen " & oCimScr.Name _
   & " has an object count of " & oCimObjs.Count
 For Each oCimObj in oCimObjs
   Set oCimExps = oCimObj.Expressions
   MsgBox "Object " & oCimObj.Name _
     & " has an expression count of " & oCimExps.Count
   i = 1
   For Each oCimExp in oCimExps
     MsgBox i & ") Configured: [" & oCimExp.Expression _
       & "] Runtime: [" & oCimExp.RuntimeExpression & "]"
     i = i + 1
   Next oCimExp
 Next oCimObj
End Sub
Properties: Application , Expression , Owner , Parent , RuntimeExpression